Solar Water Pump

MP CM SOLAR PUMP Yojana Online Registration

MP CM SOLAR PUMP Yojana Online Registration kusum solar pump yojana,pm kusum solar pump yojana,kusum solar yojana,mp solar pump yojana,cm solar pump yojana,

The Madhya Pradesh government has launched the Solar Pump Subsidy Scheme (MP CM SOLAR PUMP Yojana) for farmers in the state. Through the Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme, the government will provide subsidies of up to 90% to all farmers in the state for purchasing solar pumps. This means that farmers can avail this pump for just 19,000 rupees. The subsidy is shared jointly by the central and state governments.

What is MP CM SOLAR PUMP Yojana

The Madhya Pradesh government provides farmers with solar pump sets under the Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme. Under this scheme, farmers can obtain solar pumps at a reduced cost with subsidies. The aim of this scheme is to provide farmers with a sustainable and environmentally friendly option for irrigation. Subsidies are provided significantly to the total cost of the solar pump under this scheme.

Through this scheme, farmers can reduce their irrigation expenses by using solar energy and reduce dependence on traditional energy sources. This scheme is not only economically beneficial but also environmentally beneficial as it promotes the use of solar energy.

name of the scheme Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme
State Madhya Pradesh
Benefit subsidy amount
Year 2023
Objective Helping farmers
to install solar pumps for irrigation facility
application turn Online
Scheme launched by Madhya Pradesh Government
Beneficiary farmer citizen
official website

Objective of Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme

The main objective of the “Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme” is to make the agriculture sector more sustainable and environmentally friendly. This scheme has been designed specifically to fulfill the following objectives:

– The scheme promotes the use of solar energy-based pump sets among farmers, thereby increasing the use of renewable energy.
– By using solar pumps, farmers can reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources such as diesel and electricity.
– Solar pumps provide a cost-effective option for irrigation, as they reduce the cost of electricity and diesel.
– Solar pumps utilize green energy, which is environmentally friendly and reduces carbon footprint.

Benefits of  CM Solar Pump Scheme

– Through this scheme, farmers will receive solar pumps for irrigation at subsidized rates.
– Rural areas where electricity is not available will benefit from the Solar Pump Scheme.
– With the implementation of this scheme, farmers will no longer need to use electricity-powered pumps for irrigation, enabling them to efficiently irrigate their fields without any hassle.
– Irrigation through solar pumps will be free of cost, allowing farmers to produce good yields by effectively irrigating their fields.

What is Free solar pump scheme

Farmers can only use the solar pump for irrigation on their own fields.
Farmers in Madhya Pradesh who do not have any electric or solar connection for farming on their land can benefit from this Solar Pump Scheme.
During the scheme, only the farmer citizen who is using the installed solar pump can use it, and they cannot give or sell the pump to anyone else.
The responsibility of the solar pump installed in the farmer’s field will be solely that of the farmer citizen.
If there is any damage to the solar pump installed in the farmer’s field, they will have to bear the expenses themselves.

Eligibility for CM SOLAR PUMP Scheme

The applicant for the scheme must be a resident of Madhya Pradesh. The farmer citizen applying for the scheme must have their own farmer card. Only farmer citizens of Madhya Pradesh state are eligible to apply for this scheme. It is necessary for the farmer citizen to have irrigated land to install the solar pump. Essential documents for application:

  1. Farmer ID card
  2. Aadhar card
  3. Passport size photo
  4. Permanent residence certificate
  5. Voter card
  6. Documents related to farming
  7. Mobile number

How to apply online for Chief Minister Solar Pump Scheme?

If you are a citizen farmer of Madhya Pradesh and want to apply online for the Solar Pump Scheme, follow these steps:

1. Visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh government.
2. Log in to the portal or create an account if necessary.
3. After logging in, find an option like “Solar Pump Scheme” or “Solar Energy Pump Scheme”.
4. Choose the option to apply for the scheme and fill in your necessary details.
5. After completing the application process, submit your application.
6. Check the status of your application and upload any additional documents if required.

This way, you can apply for the Solar Pump Scheme. If you need any assistance, you can contact any relevant department of the Madhya Pradesh government.

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